The Implementation Mission Framework: Roadmap for Success

It is well known that many strategies fail in implementation due to common organizational obstacles and barriers. In CERTEGLOBAL Consulting, we developed the “Implementation Mission” framework as a strategic management tool to assist in and facilitate strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. The framework guides the strategy implementation process, moving the strategy from a mere paper document to the desired future situation. The framework also acts as a shield to protect the strategic initiative from undesirable internal and external effects, so strategic results are achieved with minimum negative impact on staff and the organization.

The framework focuses on key aspects of the organization from the strategy development to the implementation and results phases. The aspects of the organization that the framework focuses on are as follows:

1. Strategy and Plan:Through this framework, the organization identifies its vision and mission, set and agree on goals and objectives, identify programmes and initiatives to attain objectives, identify resources, budgets, overall time, etc. There are six main factors to consider when developing a strategy. They are the uniqueness of the organization, management consensus, policies and legislation, organizational culture, communication, and motivation.

2. Policies. In the strategy implementation, the organization’s policies need to be aligned with implementation requirements and with what the organization will be when the implementation process succeeds. The organization need to check the appropriateness of policies and, if necessary, make amendments or develop new policies to align them with the new strategy; if policies are unamendable, the organization should make amendments to the strategy to align it with the applied policies in the organization. 

3. Leadership. Successful strategies require leaders who understand the implementation process and can see it through. Hence, in applying this framework, the organization should identify and select good leaders within the organization, support them and give them important roles in the strategy implementation process.

4. Resources and Budget. The organization should identify and make sure it has enough strategy implementation resources such as budget, human resources, facilities, supplies, internal and external consultants, etc.

5. Organizational structure. The organization should ensure that its structure is aligned with the new strategy.

6. Systems and practices. The organization should define the systems and administrative and technical practices that are needed for strategy implementation.

7. Employees. For successful implementation of the strategy, the organization needs to carefully select and develop the implementers and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge. The goal is to build a highly professional implementation team. The quality of the personnel involved in implementation determines the quality of implementation.

8. Processes. The organization should implement dedicated processes to manage the implementation of strategic initiatives and projects in the organization.

9. Communication and information.It is necessary to build an effective information system that supports the decision-making process with accurate information and data related to the implementation process. A general plan for communication with people is also required.

10. Results. In this aspect of the framework, the organization should focus on results, impact, and review. Performance indicators should be developed to monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation process, and the risks associated with implementation.

It is always recommended that organizations adopt the right framework for the implementation of their strategic initiatives and change programmes to avoid negative consequences that might occur because of the internal and external barriers to the change.

Dr. Nasreddin Dhafr
Strategy and Business Excellence Consultant
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